
Analysis and Design of Social Protection Systems (MA)

Scholarships for international students in Master’s Program is available


Degree of Scholarship for international students

Expert of Arts in Social Protection


Instructing language




English (100%)


Program term

4 semesters



Winter semester


Deadline of Scholarship for international students  

31 March for understudies who need a visa to concentrate in Germany (non-EU candidates)

31 May for understudies who needn’t bother with a visa to concentrate in Germany (EU candidates)


Educational expenses per semester in EUR

Fully funded Scholarship


Consolidated Master’s certificate/PhD program



Joint degree/twofold degree program





The leader Master’s program offers an interdisciplinary and top to bottom investigation of social security frameworks. Alumni of the degree program will actually want to configuration “savvy” frameworks, frameworks that can be economically financed while being compelling and adaptable. They can likewise contribute towards enhancing and, if fundamental, rearranging existing social insurance frameworks, adjusting them to future segment, monetary, and social difficulties.


Early on online courses

I.1 Economics

I.2 Statistics

I.3 Academic composition


Module 1 – Comparative examination of social insurance frameworks

Social assurance frameworks – constitutive components and deciding elements

Social assurance entertainers

Global social assurance strategy

Module 2 – Social assurance strategy instruments and plan choices

Contributory plans

Assessment financed moves and benefits


Special measures

Module 3 – Analysis for social insurance plan

Surveying social assurance needs and needs

Evaluating the political economy of social insurance

Surveying ability to execute social insurance mediations

Evaluating interlinkages and graduation prospects

Module 4 – Social insurance financing and demonstrating

Social consumption and asset activation


Financing methods

Demonstrating social consumption and incomes


Module 5 – Research strategies

Exploration strategies 1

Module 6 – Simulation and assessment

Applied econometrics and prologue to a measurable programming



Assessment of individual intercessions

Assessment of social security frameworks

Module 7 – Social security administration

Administration approaches in friendly assurance

Responsibility components


Social security law

Module 8 – Social security the board

Social security conveyance systems


Monetary administration

Contributing government backed retirement holds

Data the board

Module 9 – Social security changes

Understanding changes

Overseeing changes

Conveying changes


Module 10 – Electives

Specialization in..

  • Environmental change
  • Consideration of individuals with inabilities
  • Wellbeing
  • Weakness

How to apply for scholarships for international students

Scholarship Council Canada has electronic application center, fill in the form and upload your documents. Upon successful application submission, you will receive an acknowledgment and electronic payment receipt. Keep it safe as a reference and wait for the outcome. Scholarship Council Canada team will take care of your further process upon qualifying.

Apply Now for Scholarships for international students


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