Michael Giannoulis Grant
Michael GiannoulisGrant
Michael Giannoulis is the CEO of BPO USA and of Pixx Media. He enjoys sharing his business strategies, including tips for scaling, with enthusiastic entrepreneurs.
Michael Giannoulis is a skilled and successful entrepreneur and marketer who recognizes that education is undoubtedly the most basic and critical aspect in terms of developing a successful business. Then, the cost of higher education incurred by pursuing an advanced degree program in the United States was soaring every year, and many American students were finding it extremely difficult or unattainable to finance their higher education on their own without much monetary assistance or help.
Therefore, we would like to invite your college/university – scholarshipportal.com students to participate in this grant program. It is financial assistance for candidates who wish to enroll in advanced college courses or university courses.
The study award is open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who are currently enrolled in an accredited educational institution. The scholarship is available to all colleges and universities in the United States. Michael Giannulis is the CEO of BPO USA and Pixx Media. Michael Giannulis is a knowledgeable and effective entrepreneur and marketer who appreciates that education is undoubtedly the most important and critical factor in successful career development. He was born and raised in Tarpon Springs, Florida.
Eligibility Criteria for Michael Giannoulis Grant
- U.S. Students
- Acceptable Courses or Subjects. Grants will be awarded to students in any subject
- Acceptable Criteria. Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible.
- The student may be a high school student or currently enrolled in a familiar college or university.
- He or she can be a freshman, sophomore, and junior currently enrolled in an accredited and recognized educational institution and thus eligible for Mike Giannulis funding.
Scholarships are awarded 70%-75%
How to Apply
Scholarship Council Canada has an application that is electronic, fill in the proper execution and upload your write-ups. Upon effective application submission, you may receive an acknowledgment and payment receipt that is electronic. Keep it safe as being a delay and reference for the results. Scholarship Council Canada team takes care of your process that is further upon.
Apply Now for fully-funded scholarships.
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