
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarships in Germany for International Students

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarships in Germany for International Students


Konrad -Adenauer-Stiftung
Masters/PhD Degree

Deadline: 15 July (annual)
Study in:  Germany
Course starts 2020

Brief description:

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship Program for the promotion of foreigners is aimed at foreign students and doctoral candidates who have already successfully completed their studies in their home country and complete a further study (postgraduate program / Master), a doctorate, or at least a two-semester research stay at a German university.

Host Institution(s):

German Universities and Higher Education Institutions

Fields of study:

Masters or PhD Degree in any subject.

Number of Scholarships:

Not specified

Target group:

Each year new focus countries or regions are determined in the selection procedures. In 2020 the focus regions will be Central Europe, Southeast Asia, Near East, and Western Africa.  Students living in countries that are not listed cannot apply for the international selection procedure in 2020.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

The duration and level of funding varies for different types of studies. Graduates (master or postgraduate students) receive a monthly scholarship of € 850. The standard funding period is two years. After having obtained unconditional admission to doctoral studies at a German university, PhD-students receive a monthly scholarship of € 1.200. The standard funding period for PhD scholars is three years. Research stays in Germany are also funded for a minimum of three semesters.  In addition, PhD-scholars can apply for financial assistance for research stays abroad.

Fees resulting from courses at the university in Germany that are directly related to your studies can be refunded up to the amount of € 1.500 per semester. Upon request, health care insurance, family allowance, and children’s allowance can also have subsidized.


They should:

  • • have a university degree, as we do not provide support for bachelor studies,
  • • prove above-average academic performance,
  • • be no older than 30 when applying,
  • • have good knowledge of the German language (B2-level),
  • • be actively engaged in voluntary work,
  • • plan to study a minimum of three semesters at a university in Germany,
  • • possess a broad general education and distinct interest in political issues,
  • • have a positive attitude towards democracy and human rights,
  • • be open to developing their personal points of view and practice tolerance,
  • • be highly motivated and able to convince us of their goals in life.


How to apply

Scholarship Council Canada has electronic application center, fill in the form and upload your documents. Upon successful application submission, you will receive an acknowledgment and electronic payment receipt. Keep it safe as a reference and wait for the outcome. Scholarship Council Canada team will take care of your further process upon qualifying.

Official Scholarship Council Canada Website:

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